8 Honorary Titles Given to Literary Icons of Nepal

8 Honorary Titles Given to Literary Icons of Nepal

When you talk about the honorary titles, most people relate to the military personnel receiving the honorary badge. Apart from this, the honorary title is usually regarded as “Laureate”, which is a badge of honor only the chosen few get. And the title they receive will be historic such that generations follow and use such titles to recognize them. In the endeavor to recognize and discover such great personalities, we have come up with the lists of iconic personalities. So, let’s take a moment and discover the greatest Nepali Laureates.


Includes the Lists of Honorary Nepali Literary Icons:

1. Bhanubhakta Acharya – Aadikavi

2. Lekhnath Poudel – Kavi Siromani

3. Laxmi Prasad Devkota – Mahakavi

4. Madhav Prasad Ghimire – Rastra Kavi

5. Balkrishna Sama – Natya Samrat

6. Siddhi Charan Shrestha – Yug Kavi

7. Kul Bahadur KC – Chhanda Kavi

8. Baburam Acharya – Itihaas Siromani

1. Bhanubhakta Acharya – Aadikavi

Bhanu Bhakta Acharya is one of the most revered honorary icons of Nepali literature. Needless to say, he is the ‘आदिकवि’ which translates as ‘The First Poet’ of Nepal. It was Bhanubhakta Acharya who translated the Sanskrit Ramayana into Nepali Literature, and as the Nepali language at that time was only limited to phonetic (Oral), Bahnubhakta Acharya contributed to upgrading the Nepali language into literary/written format. Thus, the title of ‘Aadikavi’ befits Bhanubhakta Acharya more than anybody.

2. Lekhnath Poudel – Kavi Siromani

Lekhnath Poudyal, literaly his name meant (Lekh: Writing and Nath: The God) the god of writing. And what else matches with such iconic name, is the iconic honorary title ‘Kavi Siromani’ which literally means “crest-jewel poet” just like the ‘Taj’ worn by the kings. His poems and writings instilled classic adherence called Kavya to allegory in contemporary social and political issues.

3. Laxmi Prasad Devkota – Mahakavi

honorary title mahakabhi

Laxmi Prasad Devkota is the greatest and most iconic literary figure of Nepal. The honorary title ‘Mahakavi’ was given to this greatest literary icon and most commonly known in the public diaspora as the man with ‘golden heart’. He was the great poet, playwright, and novelist who discovered the Modern Literature of Nepal into its new heights.

4. Madhav Prasad Ghimire – Rastra Kavi

“Nepali Hami Rahaula Kaha Nepalai Narahe” the song resonates in the mind when one remembers the iconic Madhav Prasad Ghimire. Madhav Prasad Ghimire was a Nepali poet and scholar who was honored with ‘Rastra Kavi’ which literally translates as the National Poet by Government of Nepal in 2003. He was the contemporary of Laxmi Prasad Devkota who equally contributed to discover Modern Nepali Literature.

5. Balkrishna Sama – Natya Samrat

Balkrishna Shamsher Jung Bahadur Rana aka Balkrishna Sama is titled ‘Natya Samrat’ which literally translates as ‘Crest-Jeweled Dramatist’. He was non-conformist as he in his later years refused to be associated with his ties to the autocratic Rana regime for which he adopted his pen name as ‘Balkrishna Sama’.

As Sama was deeply inspired by Shakespeare, he revolutionized Drama as a form of literature in Nepal and later established his recognition in public as ‘Shakespeare of Nepal’.

6. Siddhi Charan Shrestha – Yug Kavi

Now, till now we have been talking about iconic literary figures, but beyond that, there is the name of the personality who is not only a literary but a social and political activist and a revolutionary. That name is Siddhi Charan Shrestha the ‘Yug Kavi’ which literally translates as ‘Poet of an Era’.

The revolutionary poerty which would induce the freedom fighters against autocratic Rana Regime, resulted Siddhi Charan being accused with sedition in 1940 A.D. with the sentence of 18 years of imprisonment.

“Without revolution, there can be no proper peace” just this one line of his writing speaks louder than words and proves the title ‘Yug Kavi’ befitting to Siddhi Charan Shrestha who influenced and revolutionized the era in Nepalese history.

7. Kul Bahadur KC – Chhanda Kavi

Without breaking the flow, let’s introduce another revolutionary figure in Nepalese Literature who through his socialistic ideals wrote to address the social and economic issues faced by common Nepalese. He is none other that the ‘Chhanda Kavi’ which literally means ‘Rhyming Poet’ Kul Bahadur KC.

Some of his iconic writings include ‘Mero Maato’, ‘Garib Ustai Chha’, ‘Mutuka Jhilka’, and the like which explicitly addressed common social, political, and economic issues against the powerful hierarchy of the society.

8. Baburam Acharya – Itihaas Siromani

There might not be any other literary icon who contributed substantial writing on Nepalese history than Baburam Acharya. For his contribution in history, Baburam Acharya is considered as the ‘Itihaas Siromani’ an honorary title who sit on the pedestal for his contribution in writing history.

Another interesting fact is that is he is credited with giving the Nepai name of the highest peak of world ‘The Sagarmatha’. However, Baburam in his essays and writing conveyed that it was not he who coined the name but just the person who discovered and identified it in large public.

Ending Thoughts!

There go the lists of the most iconic and influential literary personalities of Nepal. Do you know the name of other personalities with honorary titles? If you do comment us and let us know.

If you would like to know more about Literary Icons of Nepal, read the book series by Gopal Parajuli. Here is the link where you can find the book.

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