100 Interesting Greek Mythology Names to Name Your Baby Boy or Girl

100 Interesting Greek Mythology Names to Name Your Baby Boy or Girl

The Greek civilization is probably the most iconic civilization in human history and the Greek Mythology is a part of it. The legacy of Greek civilization be it in Arts, Philosophy, Politics, Science, Culture is unmatched. Thus, due to such rich influence the Greek civilization had, history not only remembers but adopts the Greek wisdom.

Now, as we move on to the Greek Mythology, just like the Hindu tradition hinges on the belief of the Holy Trinity- The Brahma, Bishnu, and Maheshwara, the Greek mythology hinges on ‘The Twelve Olympians’ who are the 12 supreme deities who are said to reside on the mighty ‘Mount Olympys’ which is the highest peak in Greece. If you like to know more about the Olympians, go to this link.

greek mythology names

With the grace of ancient Wisdom, Rich Culture, Tradition, and Mythology, Greek civilization has a lot more to offer. Out of such, here in this article, we are mentioning the names that are derived from Greek mythology which are unique and interesting to name after your baby Boy or a Girl.

List of Names derived from Greek Mythology

greek mythology names

Now, you probably might have guessed by now that most of the names mentioned above are so commonly used as a reference in pop culture. Be it the fiction novel, or a movie-the name just pops up from the mighty Greek Mythology. So, if you are either a fan of say ‘Marvel Universe’ because a lot of characters reference is derived from Greek Mythology, and also if you find the Greek name unique and interesting, it’s like striking a jackpot.

So, why shy away from picking the names derived from Greek Mythology?

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